Tuesday, February 16, 2010

After a long time....

Its was a Friday.. the 5th..The day was good as it was a friday(The casual wear day...)..The floor was full when i reached(though i was not the last person to reach)..It all started with calling out the names and a lil' bit of description ... Fortunately... or rather say with a whole lot of surprise, i saw the my passport photo on screen...Karthik Kaniyappan was the last to be called... It was the day of Target Annual Awards Ceremony.... .. I won the Leadership Expectations award...Yes..True.. It was a Big day after a long time in my life.Who will not feel good when one is one among many.. It is not about what I celebrate of winning.. There is long long ways and days to go to achieve something which i feel like to stamp upon where i dnt stumble .... But yes, I do equally agree that Getting Recognition is a beginning of something which routes to the next tough challenged road ahead....

When i was kid, i had received a lot of awards... I always felt it was quite easy as i was more or less somehow able to make it in the place which gave me something.. then started the next phase of life when i achieved nothing... :-( .. Yes It was really nothing for a looong time... Then started some phase of life where i got something again.. something again where i would have really felt the happyness on the ground but yeahh somehow to satisfy myself.. But Today, I realize one thing.. one thing.. its not someone who did not let me get it .. It was I who idiotically got away when even something still wanted me to be with.. Some say, celebrate Success.. But what is it!!!! Is it something what i got and they did not?? Is it something which calls for a party?? Anything could be partly true...Do you know the cause of success.. what i understand in my way of life is a Failure is the cause of Success.,, Bigger the Failure, Bigger the Success..At-least it makes you to yearn for One-thing. It does not mean run behind Failure to realize success.... Sry to success.. A failure out of "trying out to be successfull" is the cause of Bigger success...


Unknown said...

Bro 1st of all Congratulations for winning the award, first or last nominee nthng matters i am sure u wud hav raced atleast few ppl to get tut nah, think tut bro.
And an absolute superb post, i really loved it, one thing is true in childhood i got many prises easily but now i find difficult cos i realize de competition.
And bro after getting an award and partying will boost up ur further success u will more motivated i am sure, its my personal experience and bro THERE IS ALWAYS NO NEED TO RUN BEHIND SUCCESS, YOU HAVE BEEN ALWAYS DOING GOOD THINGS I AM SURE SUCCESS WILL FOLLOW U WITH DEMAND bro !!!

Karthik Kanniyappan said...

Thanks for the wishes...Yeahh Dude.. Its been a great experience.. Well.. Something which was more fortunate what i did not mention above was all the awards were on different categories ..some 20 and odd i guess were there in total..

Rajan said...

congratulations! on your award, keep it up!