On the other hand.. look at Android.. Just an year old.. Feature Rich and Growing .. Seems even sky is not the limit of Android.. Handset Manufactureres choice of the day today.. (Of-course Nokia is not and I'm happy about it.. Its always good to have some nake-sake rivals who were giants once upon a time)... The year ahead is the year which is going to experience the power of Android.. With a dozen launches from Motorola.. Half a Dozen from LG.. a couple of Sony...samsung..Kyocera....Haeir.. Acer.. Dell...Asus...Qualcomm..Phillips... Huawei..Lenovo..Toshiba. Barnes & Noble..aa Ohhh.. How can i forget HTC.. which is shifting from its hardcore Windows Mobile business towards Android ... with their lines of Handsets..They are the Giant...
Motorola has had a tough time for the last several quarters...Its been under continuous loss.... One major citation what i feel about Motorola is.. they have always had the best hardwares manufactures.. They have one of the best processes defined in their Organization.. They have one of the best talented employees .. Motorazr was Successful.. But then after that!!!!What went wrong they have been just losers in the market!!! Was that the luxury of Motorola to launch Windows devices instead innovating one ??? Or the the wrong eye perception!!! I remember the day an year back when it decided to scrap all their windows production and go boldly ahead with Android.. And i strongly feel the decision could bhave been ever best to save Motorola from getting buried away ... Today.. Though its still not yet started making out of Android as its not yet out in market for sale.. look at the deals with Verizon!!! T-Mobile.. Its back in the limelight...
Nokia.. Its very interesting to see to stay away from Android.. Its surely not about the scariness that "One Trial phone and may not work out".. Nokia declined on statements for supporting a linux based mobile sets.. Then What blunder is Nokia Maemo....Is that the reason Nokia is not promoting much??? Trying out some copy on the same linux version...Its like to stay single everyone mingles.. But i still smell Android becoming the Transit point for every mobile device manufacturer.. And hope so One day Nokia passes via this transit point...
The power of Opensource in Mobile.. This is first of its kind...
More in my next Blogs...